Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The research 1.1 (precedence studies)

From the reading on “Multilingual Multimedia” book, I found out one chapter that clarify my idea. Talking pictures explain how images can tell the story. So when it comes back to my topic, picture on a postcard tell the story of the person. What can be the main sign for people to understand your emotion or feelings at that time and where exactly you are, even the receiver can clearly understand what you want to tell them, without the need to learn the language. Here some findings I found out:

The four seasons

We all know about the four seasons. It was autumn, winter, spring and summer. It explains the feeling and emotions of the person too. As example, when summer, we all know the weather is hot and dry. By putting this picture inside the postcard, it helps to clarify the situation of the person.

Currency Symbols

We might notice that each country have their own currency symbols, but some of them like European region use the same currency. As example this symbols “$”, we know that it’s the dollar symbol. Any person with different culture practice can understand the meaning beneath the symbol. By breaking the boundaries of communication, it’s easy to understand each other.

Significant Architecture

Every place on earth had its own popular and significant building. When we go overboard, we love to capture our photos in-front of those buildings. As example, photo of me in-front of tower of Pisa. Something that very popular and commonly being identified may help person to convey their message.

This only describe the experience on sender, but how about the person who receive the message? What kind of experience and feeling they going through? So a study on interpersonal emotion towards experience had to be done.

Person who receive the message can easily understand what the sender try to convey. Reaction toward what they look and their feelings is what will be focus on this research. It works both way. Thats how the communication can begin with. Understanding, feeling and experience toward the communication.

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