Friday, April 29, 2011

FYP 2 | close to finale

Yesterday on our final briefing for the presentation, I quite shock when my name was the first person to be evaluated. I put aside the negative view, and made it as my boost to settle up my FYP. On my personal chit chat with Mr.KY, he told me not to be too stress up with it but it should be my advantage because I'm not going to be mentally down with those other classmates awesome work. Hehehe... I try my best to do as good as I can according to my plan.

Come on, hustle to the end....later joy will be on your side :D

Today found out the solution to make everything work at one time. Camtasia + flash movie + zone trigger...result = everything work fine simultaneously. 3 days to go... lab will be my best friend :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

FYP 2 | Video recorder software!!

I found it!

I found out that this software is fun. We can allocate the recording area anywhere. And also its easy to use. Since I'm using zone trigger, to made it integrated each other, I need to find out this software hotkey. Soon I found that to record and stop is just by using F9 and F10 button.

As shown in photo, we can allocate our recording area.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

FYP 2 | Scripting!!!

lately, I kinda stuck with my scripting. But after a few discussion among others, I finally find out the useful script for my project.

This script being use to integrated with zone trigger.

And this one is tested with Mr.Hafiz.I have different amount of button in each scene. So I need to disable each buttons from previous scene so the next scene buttons will not interrupted by the previous. Soon, both will be mix up together.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

FYP 2 | Recording video!!

Still searching the software that can record and stop with keyboard key. Hope can find one and collaborate it with zone trigger. It must be fun. =D

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

FYP 2 | Finalizing layout

Still working with ideas in making the layout. But for now,here's a few design of it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

FYP 2 | Content sketching & digitalize sample

These are some of the sketches I did for the background detailing. The vector tracing process still in progress.

Here some of the digitalize vector symbols. Separated into 3 category.

Currency symbols

Lips symbols

Architecture Symbols

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

FYP 2 | Consultation

From the final contract that I submitted earlier, it seems to be like a giant installation booth. The coordination of the electronic item also not really well arranged. So Mr. Hafiz suggested me to reduce the size of my installation booth. With minor adjustment here and there, I got my final floorplan. It will be show in my next post. Less space more efficient. Simplicity!!

FYP 2 | Gantt chart

Monday, March 21, 2011

FYP 2 | proposal (finalize)

Research topic:

Old story new media

Well known simple mailing messages concept, I turn up to change the idea of postal to email. Now day’s people being expose to internet technology, so the idea to create the E-postcard may save tons of paper. User may experience the new way of instant messaging.

Problem Identification:
Postcard now days had been extinct from daily usage. In previous years, it had been use as simple message card for people. Now, instead of using email, people also use mobile phone to connect. By bring back the concept to new era, it still can be consider as most appropriate and convenient way to send message to each other.

Aim and objective:
To change mind-set of people (postcard is an old way to send message)
To bring back the idea and concept of postcard messaging (But in e-networking)

People get connected faster day by day.

Ideation and concept:
User must stand in-front of the screen. Create your own background by selected design in application. Body gesture will decide the pattern. Write your message onto the wall using selected icon and symbol in the application itself. A picture captured from the wall will be send directly to your friends email. Short messages like “I in class” or by using symbol that will be included in the installation may help user to send short messages to their friend.

Design Approach
- high quality vector images as background
- Simple, easy related icons to convey the messages.(created by my self)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

FYP 2 | back in action

I continued my FYP 2 since I've done the FYP 1 presentation recently. Now it the time for the execution part. All the practical part will be held in this trimester. Only 8 weeks to finish everything till the exhibition day, I'm a bit struggling to finish up all design of the content for the project. The next post will cover all my finalize part of the project. Stay tuned!