Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Finalizing Critique 2.
2.0 Idea Development -_-
Yahoo! Youreka Motion Wall by Efozy from Fauzi Yusoff on Vimeo.
My installation use the same concept from the video. Actually this video captured in Malaysia. My idea of motion trigger interactive wall help the user to create the picture for the postcard. Here some of the breakout:
- Background: User will choose the seasons they having now. Movement may create the art design.
- Symbols: Currency symbols may direct or indirectly tell the location of the person
- Sign: The significant architecture support the message that user try to convey.
- Emotion and posture: User emotion and body posture will help them to convey their filling at that time.
Figure: Example on how the sender can convey his message
Now lets go to the person who will receive the Postcard. What kind of reaction they will experience? so I come up with an idea of moving image/picture. After the person who create the E-postcard send the postcard to his/her friend, the person who receive will experience a different way of receiving message.
- Short clip from the postcard can directly give impact to the person.
- Color, shape and pattern create the feelings to the user.
Research 1.3 || analysis

Research 1.2 || Case study
interactiveWall_&& Float from sunil vallu on Vimeo.
From the video, I kind of interested in the way of float spread idea. When a person walk beyond the projection area, the art design behind follow their movement. The art will stay and keep on growing following the human movement. This installation shows the method of motion tracking. The motion tracking application nowadays being very popular among us. New idea and concept may help it to be significant and effective.
On my idea on developing my installation, implementing this idea might help me to clearly project the concept of E-postcard. The experience can be different in both way either sender or the receiver. Both user mush achieve the main target of this installation. "To express and to experience".
The research 1.1 (precedence studies)
The four seasons
We all know about the four seasons. It was autumn, winter, spring and summer. It explains the feeling and emotions of the person too. As example, when summer, we all know the weather is hot and dry. By putting this picture inside the postcard, it helps to clarify the situation of the person.

Currency Symbols
We might notice that each country have their own currency symbols, but some of them like European region use the same currency. As example this symbols “$”, we know that it’s the dollar symbol. Any person with different culture practice can understand the meaning beneath the symbol. By breaking the boundaries of communication, it’s easy to understand each other.

Significant Architecture
Every place on earth had its own popular and significant building. When we go overboard, we love to capture our photos in-front of those buildings. As example, photo of me in-front of tower of Pisa. Something that very popular and commonly being identified may help person to convey their message.
This only describe the experience on sender, but how about the person who receive the message? What kind of experience and feeling they going through? So a study on interpersonal emotion towards experience had to be done.
Person who receive the message can easily understand what the sender try to convey. Reaction toward what they look and their feelings is what will be focus on this research. It works both way. Thats how the communication can begin with. Understanding, feeling and experience toward the communication.
The research 1.0
People nowadays connected to each other easier and faster, in multiple choice of method. People commonly connected through verbal or non-verbal communication. Nonverbal communication, sometimes called "body language," is an important method of human interaction which can send messages as strongly as our words (David Bareford, 2005). To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others (Pritecho, 2010). So by then, in art perspective, sign and symbols play a big role in conveying messages. In addition on studying emotion conveying, this kind of communication involves motion, colour or shape. There are numerous examples of this kind of communication in nature (Ahmed A. Khan, 2001).
A sign is a recognizable combination of a signifier with a particular signified. The signifier is now commonly interpreted as the material (or physical) form of the sign - it is something which can be seen, heard, touched, smelt or tasted (Daniel Chandler, 2009). So in today’s multimedia world, the aesthetic art expect of the sign will help people to understand clearer the message beneath it. Interaction between people will be clearer, easier and more effective.
People speak with different languages depending on their religion or country. But how can they communicate without a need to study the language or writhing. This research project will focus on how people can convey their messages better instead of using text and words, in the way of using sign and symbols as the form of aesthetic art expressions. An application will be used as the communication tools. User experience will tell the story.
Proceeding Critique 2 (^_^)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Proposal 3: E-Postcard
Old story new media
Well known simple mailing messages concept, I turn up to change the idea of postal to email. Now day’s people being expose to internet technology, so the idea to create the E-postcard may save tons of paper. User may experience the new way of instant messaging.

Problem Identification:
Postcard now days had been extinct from daily usage. In previous years, it had been use as simple message card for people. Now, instead of using email, people also use mobile phone to connect. By bring back the concept to new era, it still can be consider as most appropriate and convenient way to send message to each other.
Aim and objective:
To change mind-set of people (postcard is an old way to send message)
To bring back the idea and concept of postcard messaging (But in e-networking)
People get connected faster day by day.
Ideation and concept:
User must stand in-front of the screen. Create your own background by selected design in application. Body gesture will decide the pattern. Write your message onto the wall using selected icon and symbol in the application itself. A picture captured from the wall will be send directly to your friends email. Short messages like “I in class” or by using symbol that will be included in the installation may help user to send short messages to their friend.

(Left: Images or background created by vocal sync.)
- Simple, easy related icons to convey the messages.(created by my self)
Proposal 2: Music wall
Music wall
Social innovation new media
Many kind of instrument can be used to create music. But why can’t we use our body movement to create music and song. My idea is to play with light on the wall to create the music, tone and volume levels. Digital devices make music can be played much more easier.

Problem Identification:
People use their instrument to create their song and music. Each music instrument cost them thousand to be spend. By using this multimedia electronic music installation, they can create multiple sound styles and directly recorded their music.
Aim and objective:
To change the concept of playing music
To bring the new era of music instrument presentations.
Music and song change each day.
Ideation and concept:
There will be multiple L.E.D light being arranged on the wall. The light may represent different sound tone and volume. User may be free to choose any of each light to create their song and music. Body movement may mix up the sound that will be created.

(music tone created when a person goes by the tunnel)

(On top: music created by pushing each light button)
Design Approach
-Multiple colored LED to create wave
Proposal 1: Me in space
Me in space
Social innovation new media
Space exploration had been started hundred your ago but till today, only still images and video being expose to public. My idea here is to create the environment of the outer space become closer to people. With the information of planet and history of space exploration, this might be helpful for kids.

Problem Identification:
Space history and exploration now days only been written in books and captured in video base. By creating this installation, people can experience the space exploration more closely.
Aim and objective:
To change the way of learning (from book to interactive application)
To acknowledge people about space exploration is not limited to astronauts.
Recap the history of space exploration.
Ideation and concept:
The whole planet is on-top of you. People can choose and zoom in the planet to see it closer. It also comes with the information of the planet. With projected moving images on-top, it will bring user to the outer space.

Design Approach
-Realistic 3D planet image
-Clear details in texture and space images
Hello world!!!
Muhammad Nuhlan Nafis Bin Abd Latif