Friday, April 29, 2011

FYP 2 | close to finale

Yesterday on our final briefing for the presentation, I quite shock when my name was the first person to be evaluated. I put aside the negative view, and made it as my boost to settle up my FYP. On my personal chit chat with Mr.KY, he told me not to be too stress up with it but it should be my advantage because I'm not going to be mentally down with those other classmates awesome work. Hehehe... I try my best to do as good as I can according to my plan.

Come on, hustle to the end....later joy will be on your side :D

Today found out the solution to make everything work at one time. Camtasia + flash movie + zone trigger...result = everything work fine simultaneously. 3 days to go... lab will be my best friend :)

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